Gum Grafting Delray Beach

Replacing gum tissue that was once lost.

Gum Grafting

Are you living in Delray Beach, FL or surrounding areas, and you noticed your gums have receded heavily. Your dentist could recommend that you need gum grafting treatment to repair the tissue. Heavily recessed gums can cause your teeth' roots to become exposed, which can eventually lead to tooth loss.

During a gum graft surgery, your dentist will remove a piece of healthy gum tissue from the roof of your mouth or a healthy portion of your gums. Next, the healthy gum tissue is attached to the affected area, where it heals and merges with the healthy tissue around it.

Types of Grafts:

  • Free Gingival Graft

  • Connective Tissue Graft

  • Pedicle Graft

What are the different types of gum grafting?

Gum grafting is a specialized dental procedure aimed at restoring and enhancing the health and appearance of your gums. There are three primary types of gum grafting techniques, each designed to address specific issues:

  • Connective Tissue Grafting.
  • Pedicle Grafting.

Connective Tissue Grafting in Delray Beach, FL

Connective tissue grafting is one of the most common techniques used to treat receding gums and improve gum health. During this procedure, Dr. Valentina Bae will create a small incision in the roof of your mouth to access a piece of tissue. This tissue, known as the connective tissue, is then carefully grafted onto the area with receding gums. Connective tissue grafting helps to cover exposed tooth roots, reduce sensitivity, and prevent further

How It Works

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It is essential to maintain the proper conditions of your gums to ensure your dental health and appearance. Gums not only hold your teeth in place but also protect the roots from cavities and decay. Deterioration of your gum health can deteriorate your teeth' quality, and receding gums will eventually lead to tooth loss. The impacted gums can cause various dental problems, including tooth sensitivity; gum grafting can prove to be helpful in such cases.The healing time for this procedure is relatively fast, and you can leave after the procedure is done. Your dentist may recommend a special rise to help your new gum tissue heal properly. Call today if you have any questions about this procedure.

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